Boxy in Lavaland is a 3D platforming level built within Unity 3D.

Game story description:

In Boxy is in Lavaland, Boxy wakes up in a strange unfamiliar land with hot lava and green slimes. He must defeat the many slimes that inhabit this nightmare and navigate obstacles including lava pits below moving floating platforms.


Created in Unity 3D this level used many different mechanics to challenge Boxy as he moved through Lavaland, including pushing objects, jumping on to stationary and moving platforms. Cadence and teach, test, challenge were important elements to this project.


This was an individual Sheridan Level Design project. I first created a level design diagram indicating the play environment and various mechanics to teach test and challenge. The process involved grey boxing, creating the level, play testing and final adjustments from the feedback.

Level Design

Platformer Outline

This level design diagram is a top-down view of the level detailing the players paths and indicates the various obstacles to be encountered.
