This is a first-person CFT style multiplayer map set within the Star Wars universe built in Unreal Tournament Editor.

Game story description:

Bounty Hunters Guild have been hired to steal an ancient jedi artifact from an unknown buyer. They are given intel that the artifact is hidden in the training floor of the northeast side of the temple. Three of them have decided to investigate. They enter the training room from the North (red flag). They are confronted by three Jedi temple guards who are tasked with protecting the room and its contents who enter through the south point of the training floor (blue flag). The two teams pursue each other to take control of the training room (capture each other’s flag).


This was created as a level design project to test our skills in a multiplayer environment. There needed to be sufficient cover and sight lines for the player to navigate through the level. The cover was themed, and the architecture created including large high columns reminiscent of the Jedi temple on Coruscant.


In this project, we choose the setting and developed our map around the chosen theme - in this case the Coruscant Jedi Temple We selected which type of map to create from a series of styles. I chose the three-lane approach creating a playing field that was balanced yet challenging.

Level Design
